About the Journal
The Journal of Music Research Online (JMRO) is a peer-reviewed journal for the publication of scholarly research in music and is published by the Elder Conservatorium of the University of Adelaide. It has broad scope and only publishes research which is of the highest international standard. JMRO is freely accessible and does not charge author fees.
JMRO publishes English language (traditional) research text articles in PDF format and film or video (non-traditional) research accompanied by an exegesis in PDF format.
JMRO encourages the inclusion of audio and video samples, high quality images and music scores where those items enhance the presentation of the research. JMRO has no page limits and minimizes the time from submission to publication.
Articles include, but are not limited to, research on Composition, Early Music, Ethnomusicology, Gender Studies in Music, Interdisciplinary Studies in Music, Music Education, Music Technologies, Musicology, Music Theory and Analysis, Opera, Performance Practice, Popular Music, Ludomusicology.